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Unable to pick up the CredentialsTypeProperties bean and map it to Customer ArtifactCredentials


Customers may use a Custom Plugin and are looking to have the CredentialsTypeProperties bean registered on the context.  They are looking to map a custom ArtifactCredential to the custom ArtifactAccount The Configuration class listed below doesn't seem to be picking up the bean


This is because a plugin is isolated in its own classloader and Spring context, with the app's Spring context as the parent. Components from the app will automatically get autowired into the plugin, and if an app component is autowired with a single bean and the plugin defines that bean as primary, a dependency is formed implicitly. However if an app component takes a collection of beans and that is already satisfied, it isn't able to wait to see if more are in the plugin. So a dependency then has to be manually created. This is accomplished by overriding registerBeanDefinitions which the method that does most of the work in SpringLoaderPlugin. In this case we manually make artifactCredentialsRepository depend on the plugin. That way it guarantees that the plugin beans will be initialized before artifactCredentialsRepository and the new credentials will be available.


The Armory Engineering team has provided a sample Artifact Plugin that will allow for the bean dependency. Kork behavior may be updated in the future to ease the above steps from being necessary.

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