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Error calling module- error rendering imported module 'pipeline/....module.json'- invalid character


The Dinghy webhook can return the following syntax on Pull requests: (template: dinghy-render:29:7: executing “dinghy-render” at >module “pipeline/…module.json”>: error calling module: error rendering imported module ‘pipeline/…module.json’:invalid character after object key:value pair)

  The logs will show the following:

time="2021-09-01T17:36:13Z" level=info msg="Found no custom configuration for repo: test-container, proceeding with master"...
time="2021-09-01T17:36:13Z" level=info msg="Skipping Spinnaker pipeline update because this branch (testing-error) is not master. Proceeding as validation."
time="2021-09-01T17:36:13Z" level=info msg="Processing request for branch: testing-error"
time="2021-09-01T17:36:13Z" level=info msg="Processing Push"
time="2021-09-01T17:36:13Z" level=info msg="Processing Push"
time="2021-09-01T17:36:13Z" level=info msg="Dinghyfile found in commit for repo test-container"
time="2021-09-01T17:36:14Z" level=error msg="Failed to parse module:..
time="2021-09-01T17:36:14Z" level=error msg="error rendering imported module...
time="2021-09-01T17:36:14Z" level=error msg="Failed to execute buffer:\n {\n \"application\": \"test-container\",\n \"spec\": {\n \"notifications\...
time="2021-09-01T17:36:14Z" level=error msg="Failed to parse dinghyfile dinghyfile: template: dinghy-render:.....executing \"dinghy-render\" at : error calling module: error rendering imported module 'pipeline/.......module.json': invalid character 'a' after object key:value pair"
However Dinghyfile and module syntax is validated with the [ARM-CLI tool]( to be valid.  For example:
>arm dinghy render dinghyfile –modules ../dinghy-templates >> /dev/null
INFO [2021-09-02 08:40:17] [Checking dinghyfile]
INFO [2021-09-02 08:40:17] [Parsing dinghyfile]
INFO [2021-09-02 08:40:17] [Parsed dinghyfile]
INFO [2021-09-02 08:40:17] [Parsing final dinghyfile to struct for validation]
INFO [2021-09-02 08:40:17] [Output:
INFO [2021-09-02 08:40:17] [Final dinghyfile is a valid JSON Object.]


This error is as a result of the strict validator that has been introduced in v.2.26.2+:  

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